McKinsey hub

Whether you are an Undergraduate, MBA, or PhD candidate or an experienced professional, this is your hub for securing a McKinsey offer.

Company information

What you'll learn

Get information to decide whether McKinsey is a good fit for you.

2 resources

Hiring Process

What you'll learn

Learn what McKinsey’s selective recruiting process looks like, including resume and cover letter screening, the McKinsey Solve Game, the McKinsey PEI, and the famous case interviews. Additionally, you will learn what McKinsey interviews are looking for through all these steps.

Get interviews

What you'll learn

Learn how to pass the selection phase and get invited to interviews. Find out exactly how to turn your CV into a McKinsey CV, show your motivation to join McKinsey in your cover letter, and pass the new McKinsey Solve Game.

McKinsey PEI

What you'll learn

Learn how to answer the different types of questions asked during the McKinsey PEI (Personal Experience Interview). Your goal? To stand out in a red ocean of highly qualified candidates and show your specific motivations for joining McKinsey.

Case interviews

What you'll learn

Learn tips and strategies to ensure your McKinsey case interview skills are in tip-top shape, including techniques for clarifying a problem statement, structuring your thoughts, answering the 6 types of questions asked, and mistakes to avoid at all costs.

Questions to ask your interviews

What you'll learn

Find out what questions to ask at the end of your interviews. After your case interview, you’re not done. You still have an opportunity to shine or lose your chances of getting the McKinsey offer.